Changing perspective in digital education for VET trainers
THE FUTURE OF LEARNING – changing perspective in digital education for VET trainers.
Project duration 2022-03-01 – 2024-02-29
Institutional cooperation for the improvement of quality and relevance of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and vocational continuing education EOG/21/K3/W/0043
The EEA Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to creating a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.

About the project
THE GOAL OF THE PROJECT is to equip VET teachers and trainers in partnership countries and partners’ staff with tools and knowledge on how to design and deliver educational content to all learners groups, how to create an accessible distance and digital learning using inclusive design for learning, universal design, special methodology, elearning, and diversity. The goal is to give VET teachers and trainers the knowledge needed to overcome barriers to learning that people with disabilities may encounter in online education.
The project equips VET teachers and trainers to use their knowledge and focus on students’ needs. The innovation of this project lies in human-centred design and an inclusive education approach through a combination of universal design and diversity management.

Stiftelsen Mangfold i Arbeidslivet (MiA)
Stiftelsen Mangfold i arbeidslivet (MiA)
The foundation Diversity in the workplace (MiA) is a non-governmental foundation that works to promote a good working life. The Foundation’s purpose is to influence the development of a diverse workplace/labor market where everyone should be included and have equal opportunities regardless of ethnic, religious, and cultural background, age, gender, disability, and sexual orientation.
MiAs’ goal is to contribute to diversity in the workplace, which is a breeding ground for increased creativity and diversity perspective by focusing on equality, good governance, participation, and learning – which could give Norwegian jobs increased innovative strength in the future.

Globalnet Sp. z o.o.
Globalnet Sp. z o.o.
Accredited training and teaching institution that projects develop and implements e-learning and software products, as well as provides e-learning solutions and services to the entrepreneurial and educational sector. In this way, it complements the knowledge of the other partners, since it adds validated knowledge in terms of good training practices and learning, as well as in the development of interactive e-learning tools and the area of gamification.
In this context, it is highlighted its collaboration with the Skills4succession projects, a project that developed a set of innovative pedagogical tools connected with sustainable succession in family SMEs.
An analysis of Globalnet and MiA and their environment in terms of strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of distance learning.Partners performed:
- desk research,
- focus groups,
- in-depth interviews and
- national reports
The final product of this output is a comparative report with conclusions and recommendations for the next stages of the project and the development of project results. Download Analysis
The guidance covers and develops:
- pedagogical skills
- useful methodology to teach online; flipped learning, microlearning, non-linear learning
- methods to facilitate digital/ distance learning and how to keep it inclusive,
- learning strategies, technological skills –they will present the tools available online to create distance learning,
- e-learning and blended learning.
Download Guidelines
3. GUIDELINES covering Diversity management and INCLUSIVE DESIGN FOR LEARNING by UNIVERSAL DESIGN – providing multiple communication options, thus allowing the use of aids
4. REMOTE LEARNING AND E-LEARNING –containing all project and training materials, as well as additional training materials provided by the partners.
5. GUIDELINES FOR PILOT WORKSHOPS – The guidelines developed for PILOT workshops guide the target group- VET TRAINERS/TEACHERS through the tools and activities developed in the project, combined with the e-learning platform and based on the creative techniques, design thinking methodology, and learning by doing. It is a comprehensive package of tools and guidelines on how to integrate the e-learning tool to VET teaching and how to use the materials developed in the project, how to provide an inclusive/creative workshop it in a teacher/trainer work.
The Guidelines are available on the e-learning platform.
First TPM in Poznań
The first transnational project meeting took place 27.05.2022 in Poznań, Poland. Partners have got the opportunity to meet face-to-face for the first time and discuss the project development, dissemination and administrative issues. The special focus was on the development of the research and focus groups to finalize the first project result.
Project result 2
Result 2 basically cover three main subjects and concepts: digital education, remote education and inclusive education. The guidelines investigate the state of art within these tree domains and provide teachers and trainers with useful materials and tips on improving their teaching performance, enhancing the learning process and equalizing the chances of learners and teachers. The various types of learning styles and pedagogy will be presented, those for digital and distance teaching as well as inclusive education.
The content for the guidelines was elaborated from the research made in the project in Norway and in Poland and the subjects presented are the results of the needs for deeper exploration. The teachers and trainers in VET sector reported many gaps and areas that need more attention especially in time of unexpected changes in education related to digitalization, technology, isolation, worries, insecurity and exclusion. Based on the research finding in the project in Norway and in Poland it became imperative that the focus area should be the VET teachers’ level of digital competency Download
First project result
We present the final deliverable of the first project result which is the Comperative report about distance/digital and inclusive education in both partnership countries, in Norway and in Poland. The report presents the situation after Covid 19, similarities and differences between both countries. The first task of this result focuses on the research on distance/digital and inclusive teaching and learning at the local, regional and national levels and on available methods and materials, while the second task implements the Focus Groups and in-depth interviews in both countries Norway and Poland. Download
Inclusive education
TPM in Oslo
The 14th and 15th of December partners met in Oslo to discuss the project progress and development of the project result 2 and 3.
Partners participated in the brainstorming session and decided on the structure of result 3 and finalization of the guidelines for remote teaching.
TPM in Oslo
The 16th of November Partners met in Oslo to discuss the project progress and development of the project results.
Reach Us
Globalnet Sp. z o.o.
20/18A Ratajczaka Street,
61-815 Poznań, Poland
+48 61 223 86 02